Question Time the End!

Categories: anything-and-everything

Date: 18 November 2006 09:59:17

Well, that scared everyone off then, but thanks for the questions - I've enjoyed answering them. And so to the last two:

Most influential book you've ever read (Bible excluded)?
That's a really tough one... actually the Bible has been the most encouraging, challenging, reassuring, inspiring and influential book I've ever read... but if that one's been disallowed (already got football head on ready for the next question!) then I'd have to say... hang on a minute going to stare at the bookshelves for a bit in an attempt to remember (that's not the title of the book!).
Well, I hope you weren't expecting some great literary classic or theological tome because I would have to say it is probably something along the lines of 'Little Women' or 'A Little Princess'. These are books that I read as a young girl and have continued to read and enjoy throughout my adult life. I think they both gave me glimpses of admirable qualities and of the kind of person I wanted to be both as a child and as an adult, and in that sense have been particularly influential.

(Introducing the Wib Spurs fan club - ee and me!): Fave all-time Spurs player?
Ooh, that one didn't take me long, because I'm going to have to go for the great Danny Blanchflower! ( But I also have to give honourary mention to Gary Linekar and the ever present Paul Robinson, goalkeeper extraordinaire and very entertaining to watch when you're at a match!

Given up with the links - I want bold and stuff so autolink off, but I can't remember the html for the other kind of links so you'll have to copy and paste should you be in the least bit inclined to actually go to that page and read about Danny (legend) Blanchflower!!).

Ooh, look what I can do now!!
I don't believe it, now I can do the link the page has suddenly vanished... what are they trying to do to me - it was there earlier!! Chelley off on a hunt for Danny Blanchflower. Found him - it was my fault for leaving the slash in!! Sorry about all that, I'm sure you must have had time to make a nice cuppa tea while I was faffing about anyway!