A sore eye

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 March 2003 12:47:00

Was awakened at 4:00 this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep, because my eye is hurting. Occasionally, since I was poked in the eye by second born a few months ago, when I wake during the night, the eye hurts, but I can usually get back to sleep. This morning, however, it was pretty bad.

But the show must go on. To-morrow, perhaps, I shall phone the doctor, and try to make an appointment. But the focus to-day is on the great trip through to Glasgow. And, of course, getting through the day's work. And, setting up granny's old computer for brother to use. After completing, and submitting this wiblog, I intend to see if I can persuade an ISP to allow my brother to access the Internet (they may require some reimbursement).