An old dog tries to learn a new trick

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 October 2004 20:19:53

I've spent the past three days attending a course on repackaging applications as MSIs (a vital skill, in these days of managed desktops, I can assure you). The course was well presented, and not too arduous, but reasonably challenging.

Had an interesting conversation with one of my co-attendees at lunchtime, where we discussed the joys of parenting small children when one is oneself, shall we say, no longer in the first flush of youth. I liked his comment regarding the positive aspect of this situation, that one is, possibly, more consistent in the way that one relates to one's children, than one would have been had one been, say, twenty years younger. On the other hand, we agreed on the common experience of simply not having enough energy to cope.

To-morrow, wife and children are taking the train to meet up with Granny (my mother) - daughter is on holiday from school, son is missing nursery, and wife has taken a week's unpaid leave (balanced by the economy of not having to pay for childcare). Not that they're going away for a week - to-morrow is the final day of their holiday. One sincerely hopes that the somewhat complex travel arrangements will work out smoothly.