A new routine for Saturdays

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 03 December 2005 17:42:00

Daughter has started attending a drama workshop in Musselburgh, which means that we have to organise Saturdays around it. I thought initially that we could fit our weekly shop in before she went, but, on to-day's evidence, I was wrong. So we all met up in Tesco's after her workshop. I have to say, judging by how I feel, and by the sounds coming from the living room, that, overall, we are more tired than we should be at this point in the day. It can't be helped, but I do wonder at the wisdom of it all.

They wouldn't accept my Switch card in Tesco's which usually means that there is no money in the account (which would have been extremely worrying). But checking online suggests that there is at least sufficient - which leaves a mystery. Perhaps if I phone the bank on Monday, they'll be able to shed some light.