
Categories: journal

Date: 25 November 2012 08:43:02

went to see the Bond film with son yesterday / reluctantly, to be honest - son wanted to see it in the cinema / actually, I enjoyed it / the usual escapism / and some unpleasant violence / but serious questions, too, along the way ...

and thinking back to something I picked up on a children's TV programme, when we were doing showTime / they were trying to explain why people enjoy roller coasters (I can't stand them) / and saying that, because your brain thinks that you are going to be killed, or seriously injured, your body gives you a reward when, unexpectedly, you survive unscathed / which I felt that I could apply to the stressful experience of being on stage / but, of course, it doesn't work so well when you have to endure long term (perhaps low level) stress, which seems never to find a resolution ...