Where do I start?

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 July 2007 23:06:52

With thanks, of course! I deeply, deeply appreciate your prayers. To-day was, undoubtedly, a step forward. I entirely understand my boss' reservations. I have to be working at a level which matches what I am being paid. There is a problem, because the university has moved the goalposts - and we, I guess, have not stood our ground, but allowed this to happen - not that we (our team) had much choice in the matter. But from my point of view, I have to stop saying that I will do things which, in my heart of hearts I know that, I am not capable of. But we're talking, which is good. And I understand that we have to keep talking, which is also good.

On the other hand, I have run out of whisky. It has become apparent to me that I am imbibing too much alcohol. Limits have been set (by me). One bottle of whisky a month (not unreasonable, surely). This is (what?) the 17th. Whisky-free zone until August.

Somewhat surreal. Radio 3 - late night prom - Spem in Alium - 40 part motet by Thomas Tallis - daughter (accustomed to Fischy Music) has fallen asleep to the accompaniment of this music - I may now be listening to Striggio's 40 part Mass - which lay undiscovered in a musem in Paris until recently - like being in a time machine - going back 400 years ...