The world in between

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Date: 14 November 2007 16:53:29

Agreed, Karin! it isn't my job to come up with a diagnosis. I am still angry, though, that the psychiatrists at a certain hospital who were supposed to be looking after me were saying (to my parents) that there was no apparent cause for my depression (which justified their treating me with drugs, etc) without trying to find out if there might have been a cause. They never talked to me.

I'm struggling to put all of this into words. In a sense, you are right - I may not 'have Asperger's'. I'm still trying to work out what I should say to my GP so that he doesn't immediately write me off as someone who has just found something on the Internet and thinks he might have it. What I am saying is that the description of Asperger's on the National Autistic Society's website has made sense of so much of my experience that I have to take it into account. It has already helped me in my family and work life. I believe that a diagnosis would help me further because it would enable me to say to people at work - these are the things which I find difficult. There are things which I am being asked to do which I cannot do, and people don't understand why I can't do them.