
Categories: journal

Tags: work, meeting

Date: 03 December 2008 17:29:23

I have the car with me to-day, but with the dark and icy roads, I'm kind of wishing that I didn't. Although a large box arrived this afternoon, and having the car means that I can transport it home.

I'm between being on the helpdesk and attending an AGM. The AGM is for the after school club which my children attend. I'm standing down from the committee, having been a member for about three years. It will be a relief, but tonight's AGM is the final hurdle. I've finally admitted to myself that I am simply not competent to be involved in the kind of decisions this committee has to make.

In some ways, I wish that I could make the same admission regarding the helpdesk, but what would happen then? There's been a review of our area of work, and we should have been told by the end of last month what was to be the outcome, but we're still waiting to hear. I'm still trying to think of this situation as an opportunity, but ...