
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 18 September 2003 21:52:36

finished the dissertation on monday night at 1am. didn't go to bed sunday night. when i finally went to sleep i had been awake for about 40 hours (having only had about 5 hours sleep the night before). Every time I say things like 'I'll never work like that again'. Ah well, it always seems to get done as if by magic, which i think it probably is.

so tusday had a lovely day off driving in the mountains, ended up in a random pub where we had good food and generally it was sunny and all was well.

now i'm back for 5 days before moving. I have loads of boxes. If you ever want to move, do it around the 20th of september, cos in the week leading up to it your local uni bookshop will have a load of great boxes, complete with lids, strong enough to hold books which are probably the most dense things you own unless you are in the habit of collecting rocks. Or bricks. Anyway, now I have to put things in the boxes. I have a feeling that's going to take ages.

Three weeks ago I put an offer in on a house and it got accepted. On monday - when I was probably at the peak of dissertation stress - I heard that the seller had pulled out. It was an entirely crap day. Anyway am lodging in the spare room of a kindly friend until such time as i find another house; all is not lost, like, it means I can settle there a bit rather than just feeling like I'm passing through at the same time as starting a new job.

Also I have three weeks off... this week I'm moving, then it's two weeks of fun before starting work. And fun I will have.