
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 01 August 2002 12:26:00

as in, well, this is potentially the first proper entry in this wiblog, and may i say that choosing one's background and icon is a whole lunchtimes-worth of tension.

and well, as in, i am again after two days of stomach bug generously passed on to me and most of the rest of my family and my brother's in-laws and some of their friends by my nephew and neice at my nephew's birthday party.

actually i ended up having a fairly nice 'i am certainly not well enough to work but i am well enough to watch TV in my room when i'm not sleeping and, um, actually being ill*'

lovely thing: knowing the bug to be ludicrously contagious, and knowing housemate deni is flying off to spain on friday, i stayed in my room for the whole two days (leaving only for essentials) to give her the best chance of not catching it that i possibly could. She was so grateful she bought me a box of chocolates 'for when you're better'. So everyone was delighted at everyone else, and now i'm better and i have chocolates.

*more information would be too much, believe me