The future

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 06 July 2006 12:40:27

Whenever there is a break in my blogs it's usually because something is occupying all my spare thinking time.
That's a conundrum because it's really when you are troubled that it's good to have a group that will listen and that's one of the things I appreciate about the wiblog community.
So what's on my mind?
This Sunday my small congregation is having a long afternoon meeting to decide on it's future.
There will be representatives from the local, regional and State governing bodies of our denomination there.
I guess we'll analyse where we've been, what we are doing and where we are going and then the big fold or not.
I'm sure it won't be as clinical as that sounds ‘cos we are are a group of very sincere people seeking what God wants us to do, and the reality of closing and going separate ways although looming for the past year or so is still emotionally painful to face.
I approach the meeting with real anguish, for 15 years the fellowship has been my life, we have raised our four kids there and had some absolutely amazing experiences.
I have come to have a relationship with God, grown and become the man I am because of belonging to that group more than anything else
Another concern is, I am the chair-person of the meeting that has to hold it together, so I would really appreciate your prayers for wisdom, understanding and confidence that God is guiding my words and actions.
I'll let you know how it goes.