Neddies pain

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 14 June 2005 08:24:17

The long weekend for the Queens Birthday (I know it's not her birthday but don't forget we're upside down here in Oz) brought some last.
I spent one day electrifying one of my fences to try and keep the neighbours horse from totally demolishing it. It's possibly not good that I enjoyed seeing said horse stick it's nose on the wire and then after an audible zzzzzzap jump about 3ft straight up and back. Actually, later I felt like disconnecting the battery, but I didn't.
Sorry Neddie...
At church we're discussing pain and suffering and how it develops character etc. a topic I feel a tad uncomfortable with as I've had a pretty good life with not much pain and the discussion made me sort of feel guilty and wonder if I havn't got much of a character as a result.
The thought just occurred that maybe I'm helping develop the horses character by inflicting pain...Oh the guilt!