
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 14 November 2007 16:35:45

The Happy Shimmies Belly Dance Hafla went absolutely perfectly stupendously well.

But of course my plan to sort of devote the day to myself went to Hell.

I was gonna style my hair just the way I wanted it, which would have required washing and air-drying and setting and schpritzing and doing all sorts of stuff to it, maybe a total of two hours' work stretched over half the day.

I was gonna paint the toenails and plan the make-up just right, and come up with a sort of decorative henna thing on the backs of my hands and down my face... I was gonna do all kinds of stuff, for myself, it was gonna be MY day from start to finish...

But you know it didn't turn out that way.

The boy needed a trip to the doctor. Not because he was especially sick, but because his stupid school won't believe he was and let him make up the work unless I pay a doctor to see him and tell me to do for him the things I already know he needs done.

The husband called me and actually wanted me to trot all the way across town to being him a doggone fruit peeler for his lunchtime mango.

How dare he. I shoulda told him to gnaw his way through the peeling. I shoulda told them all to be off with themselves.


So, after my final errand pre-Hafla, in the final available half-hour of the day, I threw on several disjointed pieces of costume and about 20 pounds of noisy flashy jewelry, and made up my face rather boringly as I would for any stage play.

I had not arranged anything for my "props" -- It was a Basket Dance, and I needed a) a basket and b) something to stuff in it.

I though about sticking Earl the Tomcat in it but I doubted he'd stay. So I just grabbed some silk flowers I'd had languishing in the van since Mama's funeral, tossed them in there, and off we went.

Us beginner types had a lot of fun and seemed to pull off our dance well.

The "performance troupe" (more advanced dancers and instructors) had a couple of dances, one more traditional, and one avant-gard thing, set to some scary industrial-construction-site music -- both were beautiful.

Of course none of MY guests took any photos... not even with their cell phones, dang it. But I should have access to some other photos and certainly anything that gets put up on the group's website.

(Gaaaaawd, I hate MySpace... I hope there's more available soon than the cutsie little MySpace site that Happy Shimmies had before their recent re-organization...)

Will definitely share piccies when I get my hands on some.

And of course you know I didn't get to rest on any laurels or anything. Hubby loaded me and the boy into the van and off we went to get some groceries he needed, jingling and jangling with every switch of hip and flash of half-exposed phosphorescent belly. Thank goodness this is South Louisiana; there's always some sort of costumed event going on, so I wasn't especially noticed.