The Cremieux of the Crop

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 24 December 2003 09:16:27

There was a manufacturer's promotion of some sort- I didn't know about it at the time, but when I sold a couple of Daniel Cremieux cashmere sweaters two Sundays ago, I won.

Not easy- they're $225 sweaters. Lovely things. <Grin> I never mind handling them, straightening out that area if it gets disorderly. Love getting my hands on them! (If any stay with us through the post-Christmas reductions I may buy myself one, as a treat you see. Even with my employee discount, in addition to our usual 33- 50- or 75% discounts, a Cremieux cashmere is still an expensive indulgence.)

So I was told to go pick out any trousers I wanted from the Daniel Cremieux line.

That was a nice prize. Some of those things are almost $100.