
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 11 September 2008 00:04:35

09.10am Leave house with Ginger for Day Of Inconvenient Appointments
09.50am Arrive in City N, Hospital G, and proceed to attempt to find parking space
10.20am Eventually park, having lurked at car park entrance waiting for people to come looking as though they are going to leave, then stalk them in my car as they walk to their car, making them feel slightly nervous
10.40am Eventually find obscure department of hospital and feed Ginger
11.15am Appointment 1, which lasts a long time (we knew it would)
1.20pm find somewhere to eat
1.50pm Feed Ginger in car
2.50pm leave city N for City S and Hospital M
4.00pm Arrive Hospital M. Parking slightly easier this time
4.10pm Find obscure department of hospital (why can't we go anywhere straightforward?!)
4.15pm Appointment 2
5.00pm Feed Ginger in hospital department office as everyone around me goes home. Hope vaguely we won't be locked in
5.45pm Leave hospital M
7.15pm Arrive home

I'm quite tired. And neither of the appointments was particularly full of good news, either, bother it.