I am a messy woman

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Date: 08 February 2008 22:26:08

As this little exchange should demonstrate. I was discussing haircuts with mr b, as it's been over a year since it was last done and is starting to get a bit out of control again:

Me: Well, I think I'd like it quite a bit shorter; maybe experiment with a fringe - what do you think?
Him: That would probably look nice. You don't look very sure.
Me: Well, the thing is I wonder if it would take too much effort to keep it neat. I'm just not neat, but at least with long hair I can put it up and forget about it, and re-do it when it starts to fall down.
Him: mmm. (he was really interested in this conversation)
Me: See, I'm just not one of those neat women. You know the ones, hair and clothes always neat and tidy. They have to do things to their hair and I just can't be bothered. I mean, look at my hair now.
Him: (pause while he looks)....... It's got mashed potato in it.
Me: I rest my case.