
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 10 September 2005 09:38:03

Well, that was fun.

We spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening in A&E and then the childrens ward of our local hospital, after baby b had a very sudden and dramatic reaction to substance or substances unknown.

He's all right now, but still a bit puffy. The worrying bit is not knowing what caused it, and I am resigned to carrying piriton with me at all times now.

As ever, there was a hilarious bit:
Nurse: how old is he?
Me: eight and a half months
Nurse: awww. he looks like you, doesn't he?
Me: <non-committal noise as everyone knows he looks like mr birdie, not me, and she's just making conversation>
... pause...
Me: Hang on! He looks like the victim of a napalm attack - what do you mean he looks like me?!

No further news on the cake. Events rather overtook it.