
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 May 2006 22:11:00

Things are really busy at the moment and while I am sure there have been entertaining things to blog about, I'm not sure I can remember what they are.

Oh yes, there have been various business-related sagas which usually have their roots in the inability of a large company to embrace the meaning of 'customer service' in any meaningful way. Apparently my call is important to them though, so that's okay. The most entertaining bit of these has been that I have had, on more than one occasion, to speak to Norwich Union's 'security champion' about the locks on the doors at the office. I have just about managed not to ask for Champion the WonderHorse when I've phoned up, but it's taken a fair bit of self control.

Yay tagged me, ooh, ages ago. I have to write about six weird things about myself or weird habits. This is a problem for me... I'm generally not one of those people who thinks 'ooh I'm dead whacky, me'. And I suspect that in general people who do think that aren't whacky at all. I generally think I'm pretty normal. But then others have had cause to point out to me in the past that this is not, in fact, the case. So the things which are, apparently, weird about me are not things I'd think of as weird until someone pointed them out. So I don't really know what to put. I will think about it though.

One thing did occur to me today. Baby b was playing with building blocks and I was helping. I was building things and he was destroying them. I made several little tableaux which I was very happy with, ranging from simple playground scenes (two people on a see-saw) through fairy tales (the princess and the pea, rapunzel) to shakespeare and bible stories (romeo and juliet - the balcony scene, quite similar to rapunzel, and jonah). It did occur to me later, what the heck sort of person builds a tall thin tower with a person on top, and immediately thinks, 'ah, St Simeon Stylites', rather than 'ah, nelson's column'? Me, that's who. Is that weird?

In other news, look at this! I know there's a bit of odd random capitalisation in there, and the address isn't laid out as it should be, but I'm quite excited this is finally up. (Some of the conversations referred to above have been with the web hosting company.)