9. Various minor disgruntlements

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 15 July 2006 21:29:21

MD 1: "Oi! Mothers of older boys* at toddler group! The fact that your sons are older and therefore more capable of independent play does not mean that it's okay for you to sit at the side of the hall for two hours sipping coffee and gossipping, while ignoring them. I am looking forward to the day I can let baby b get on with it a bit more, but I will always have an eye on what he is doing and, unlike you, will be ready to intervene should he, for example, be pushing around a smaller child or generally being unacceptably disruptive. I, and the other mothers of smaller babies, are heartily sick of disciplining your boys for you. Also, the people who run this toddler group do a darn fine job of it for little or no reward. The rhyme time at the end may not be 'your thing' but it is just. plain. rude. to ignore it altogether and allow your boys to continue playing (undoing the tidying up which has just been done by, ooh, everybody but you) while you continue to gossip loudly as the other children do their singing. Thank you for your attention."
*with two honourable exceptions.

MD2: It's very hot, isn't it?

MD3: "Thank you for your kind words about baby b and his progress. However, unless someone made you 'Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Expert of the Year', and also clairvoyant, without telling me, I have to say I will be ignoring entirely your assurances that he will be absolutely fine. Yes, you're right, he looks great, he's doing great, we are thrilled. My saying 'actually there's still stuff we don't know', is not pessimistic, it's realistic. You are making predictions based on no evidence whatsoever, in a field you know absolutely nothing about. Kindly stop it."