Yummy (ii)

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 20 January 2007 14:46:24

I've been fabric shopping!
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These are for a quilt I have stupidly volunteered to make for a wedding present. (I am fairly sure neither of the recipients read here, so it's safe to show you).

These are for a quilt I have planned for myself, when I've finished the wedding one. (Probably about 2009).

The reason I have two lots of fabric at once is that I went to the Best Fabric Shop in the World on Tuesday to have a browse at their colours before making final decisions about the wedding quilt, and found that they had a sale on. So I have been frantically working out yardage all week and went back yesterday.

If you read craft blogs, especially knitting ones, there are lots of references to the LYS - Local Yarn Store. This seems to be a primarily American phenomenon, where there are little independently owned yarn stores where people go to sit and knit as well as buying, and it's like a little community. Well, I think I have found my LFS - I left the groover with his grandpa, as it's quite a small shop and I expected to be there for ages. I was - about an hour, with the lady who owns the shop dashing off to get colours she thought might work (it took us a while to find the right purple for the wedding quilt), and generally being enthusiastic, friendly and helpful. Then towards the end, a rep from Rowan came in, and I got to have a squiz at their new Kaffe Fassett and Martha Negley fabrics, which I am sad enough to find wildly exciting.

(Question, for those sad enough to know what I'm on about): doesn't Amy Butler also design for Rowan? Didn't see anything by her.)