Extreme dreams...

Categories: just-life

Date: 05 February 2009 19:52:57

If you happen to have BBC2 on the tv while you're eating your dinner you may very well have come across the programme 'Extreme Dreams' with man of all trades Ben Fogle. The format is very simple, Ben takes a group of people on a week long trek though some tough environment (jungle, desert, moutains, etc) with some sort of big finish at the end... a mountain summit or something.

This is the sort of thing I would normally enjoy, and on the whole it is a very good programme. Apart from one thing. The nannyism of Ben Fogle over the members of the group is truely starting to grate on my nerves and how no-one in the group has told him to "eff-off" I don't know!!

I would also question some of his route planning (he says in the show it's his route). All the groups are always getting into camp late, but when you consider that the routes seem to include far more cliff climbs than seem necessary I do think that Ben is just making it a lot harder for everyone than it need be.

But the thing that really annoys me is the way every five minutes Ben tells us just "how dangerous" or "life threatening" something is. As if you couldn't get knocked down by a (bendy)bus in the morning.

Like I said... just the one thing!! ;o)