Playing catch-up......

Categories: just-life

Date: 29 July 2008 23:20:13

Hello everybody *waves* I have all sorts of excuses for not being around, being busy and those last two posts were from a camping trip Up North.

But first things first, and that brings us to graduation, a day that has been only slightly delayed by about four years.


It went well, even if my department is no longer part of the School of Science but not really a part of the School of Engineering (where we now belong). Thankfully I still get to wear the science robes of gold even if there were only four of us (three phds and me) out of all the engineers in the room... I mean tent.

I was also a good boy and didn't bow to the VC like I was supposed to (though I suspect that I was one of the few who knew you were supposed to), admittedly that was partly due to the fact that I was slightly stunned that the guy reading the names out managed to get my name wrong. Not mispronunced but given the wrong name*!! And yes, they check your name when you register, twice behind the curtain and then again right before you walk onto the stage.

Bloody engineers!!


* - just call me Michael, I suppose it's close enough, I mean, my aunt often calls me Michael....