Well now.........

Categories: just-life

Date: 18 March 2005 15:26:20

Well, it's been over a week since I last posted, and a very busy week it's been!!!!

I've had competitions (I won), job interview (I didn't win), concert (well, not keeping score, but we'll count it as a win) and St Patrick's Day (a definate win, though I didn't get to drink as much Guinness as I'd have liked!!).

That and an inability to write anything, anything at all sorta cramped the style really. Normally the words just flow from my fingers, sometimes nearly as fast as they are flowing from my mind (but not usually) but for the last week it's like my mind has been full of cotton wool. And it's not been nice.

Hopefully though that's going to be finished and I shall take full advantage of people going away for the easter break (though I shall miss them, of course!!) and get this damned thesis finished...... there we go, I've set myself a deadline (oh Lord, what have I done), the end of the Easter Break I want this mill stone to be no longer round my neck dragging me down. One way or another it's going to be finished with...........

[nb - sometimes I feel that there really should be a time lag between brain and fingers so the words can be censored for foolish statments........ oh well.......]

And with such a bold new announcment like that, i think a cup of tea is in order!!!!

What, maybe not.......??? You could be right I suppose!!!!