ID cards.........

Categories: just-life

Date: 24 May 2005 16:04:39

Now, personally, I'm not really for these ID cards that the Government is going on that we need so badly. I carry enough stuff in my wallet, and while I realise that this "super card" will mean I can carry less I don't care. What makes it all the more interesting is that I'm defending the card on a message board elsewhere, mainly because I don't like the guy who's trying to get people to sign a petition against them. It helps that he's not the best debater, I've just had to correct him when he said that it would "a couple of hundred billion pounds" which is a vast amount of money, even for the government. (for those of you interested the "official" cost is £189 million but is expected to actually cost £3 billion)

But the point is, I'm wondering if I sometimes pick an argument just for the sake of it. And if that's a bad thing or not??

I will admit, there is no better way of learning about a subject than arguing against it. You have to think about what you're going to say and can therefore see the flaws for both sides.

Faith and proof is a good example.

Can you prove God exists....??? If yes, then faith doesn't exists and because we believe in a God without proof, if there was proof it can't be God, therefore He doesn't exist...... or something along those lines!!!

Of course, we can't prove that God exists, and yet there are people (and I've met them) who will tell you that it is undeniable. Which it can't be, cause there are lots of people who deny Him!!! Which means that either they are wrong (or are tryign real hard to deny Faith) or what is undeniable isn't God.

About now is a good time to start hitting you head against the desk..... it's what I'm going to do now I've finished.

[nb - no, I didn't get to see Clockwork Orange :( but I did mean to. Let's just say that Lord.S and I have an evil streak running through us!!!!!]

[nnb - grrrrr, car failed it's MOT this morning... that's another £200 to get it passed!!!!]

[nbnb - (having fun now!!!) got round to sending letter that I started THREE weeks ago!!!! Yay me!!]