Right, down to work..........

Categories: just-life

Date: 02 June 2005 15:28:06

No, really, my main problem is there there is only the one computer left in the library that still has a floppy-disk drive and is next to a power-point. Both necessary as half my work is on my lap-top. And is it free......??? No!! So I shall muddle on, while ignoring the email (the only one I got today) from my supervisor, till much later.

Now this reminds me (not that it had to be hard) about a conversation that I was having with a friend of mine yesterday, about further studies. In her case, she's now doing some sort of psycology, mainly because her first degree didn't lead to much (she's having lots of fun learning psycology, so that's good). So here I am, trying to finsih my second science degree and the only thing I'm certain is that I do not want to go into industry. Which only really leaves teaching as a career to make direct use of my degree. Which I don't want to do either.

So the question becomes, is there any point of finishing....??? Apart from the fact that I'd like to!!!

Also, you might remember a few months ago that I mentioned a case in Peru of a little girl suffering from a rare birth defect that meant her legs were fused together. Well, she had the first of the operations to seperate her legs and it has all gone very well. ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4596501.stm ) Which is good to hear.