One more step along the road I go...........

Categories: just-life

Date: 13 July 2005 15:56:26

Who here remembers singing that hymn in school???? I was reminded of it as I heard Lord of the Dance being played on the radio.

But where could this be leading I hear you ask...?? Well, after not finding much about it on other blogs I thought I'd be the first to mention that the legal restrictions on the ordination of women to bishops in the Church of England have been removed. Now I know that there are many arguments back and forth over whether this is a good thing or not, but I think it is and it's about time. I mean, once you've started the ordination of women in the first place, what was the point of stopping there???

Now then, how well do you know your hands......??? Really?? I mean, most people's hands are different, different sizes, fingers different lengths, people with short stubby fingers, others with long spindly ones (and a whole lot in between!!!).

Well, scientists have discovered (no, it doesn't specify which ones) that there is a link between the ratio of your index:ring fingers and your personallity. The Independent So, using my left hand (as that's the picture they use) I look at the ratio....... right, my index finger is fractionally longer (about 5mm) which suggests a "feminine" pattern (ie - a lower level of testosterone when I was in the womb). Now Men with the 'female' ratio should have these traits..........
Low testosterone - never been tested..... don't know
Reduced fertility - again, haven't tested that.....
Good verbal skills - I do tend to go on and on and on........
Poor soccer skills - I'm a fine goal keeper, I have a Under9 trophy, but do keepers play soccer??
Slow runner - I have orrienteering tropies, but that was more from my navigation than running
Small families - low fertility, of course, small families.... oh, you mean siblings...???
Poor navigation skills - I think I can say that's wrong!!!!
Greater intelligence - I knew I liked this!!!!
Vulnerability to depression - oh, that's annoying

If you're interested in how you are check the link, I suspect this is psuedo-science at it's best, but my fingers are very, very close..........

And yes, I did call her, she not around, but I didn't think she was. C'est la vie!!!