I know, I know.......

Categories: just-life

Date: 06 November 2005 17:46:09

Yes, I know, it's a rare weekend post from me....... what can I say, it get's me out of th house for a bit. And a change is a good as a rest!!!

I thought I'd pop in briefly, say "hi" point out that if you do get your blogs translated, I've been imformed by a German speaker that though it's translated into German, they only do the words, the meaning isn't there..... But I still think it's cool!!!!

Thought I'd share a couple of little stories from last night. After missing out at the head-on crash outside Uni on Friday night, I was very nearly taken out by a speeding bus in Uplands....... which was very reassuring..... barely an hour later, while driving Sarah home, I was telling her this when we then nearly got taken out by a taxi...... at the same place!!!!

On the other hand, I did manage to finish work before midnight yesterday (Yes!!!) and got home to find that I had missed the fourth party to be held in our house....... I'm really not doing very well at making these things...... and I thought that getting home early might help!!

I should also congratulate Tracy and Wood on the birth of Woodchip. (the photos are on Wood's site)