Having been silly recently...........

Categories: just-life

Date: 08 November 2005 15:47:25

Having been silly for the last few posts (the shooting for the calendar is apparently on Sunday, and I'm off home this weekend (for early Christmas) so won't be able to do it.....) I've been thinking about serious stuff recently.

Yesterday, BBC Radio2 had a phone poll about whether the government should let the police hold people for ninety days without charge. 82% of listeners said yes. What????? Am I one of the few people in this world who seems to think that this is a terrible breach of human rights. I mean, what can the police do in three months that they can't do in the fourteen days that they can hold people?? Afterall, they had nothing on the bombers in July so increasing the length of time would have done nothing.

Since the new terror laws brought in, about 950 people have been picked up, but only 25 people charged. If you say that there are 100 people who should be charged and arrested, the number of people who would have been picked up and released, having been held for 90 days we're looking at over 900 years of prison time for innocent people.

And what them scared me was that LordS and MrG were both happy with this....... WHAT!?!?!?!? This then goes along with the fact that they are happy to ban all smoking (so that's a loss of tax revenue), all alcohol (that's 200,000 licensed premises putting all their people out of work, as well as breweries, transport, etc.....) and IVF...... Yes, they would ban IVF treatment as (in their words) "some people just aren't meant to have children". I kid thee not. We know people who have had to have IVF to have children. Does that mean that they think that their children should not have been born?? I wonder how they would survive if they were in a clinic where people are told that they are unable to have children naturally??? Just how long they would survive with people who have been just told that there is little chance of them being able to have children. And then to tell them that they can't have IVF because "it's wrong".

I resisted the urge to beat them round the head till they realised they were wrong.