At home for Christmas.............

Categories: just-life

Date: 13 November 2005 02:22:24

As you may have gathered, I'm currently home for "Christmas". It was a very good, though I do have to dash back to Swansea tomorrow for the naked calendar...... ummmm, yes, I am going to try and get back in time for that.......

I was also scared (which goes to show how old I am!!) at the amount of change since I've been this way last (New Years). There are all these extra roundabouts, we have new sofas in the living room, hallway andf dinning room have been recarpeted and there are trees missing from the garden.... about three from what I counted!!! And one of our camper vans!!!

[For those of you who don't know, for the last few years we've had four VW Camper Vans in our driveway... we've actually sold one......]

I'm going to post later this week about new stuff/old stuff but thought that I'd decided that tomorrow I was going to go back to the old estate where we used to live and knock on the door where my old friend Nicky Stoner used to live. (as mentioned in an old blog..... just Google Nicola Stoner) While I suspect that her father has since moved, there's no harm in trying at least. You never know...... I may get lucky, get an address or name that I can try to hunt down..... I may even discover that it really is going to be impossible to find her again, but I've got to try. Otherwise, what's the point???

Oh yes, it has been a good day, my sister was very happy with her presents, though she didn't manage to win with the first game on her new Monopoly set (I did). She's also managed to loose the present for me that I'd really like, but I was able to get the Mexican Blanket...... which is pretty cool!!!

As for what type of bacon..... what ever type of bacon that you'd like it to be...... aren't I nice to you??