
Categories: just-life

Date: 09 December 2005 15:41:53

Reconising that the first story is a bit shocking, I'm going to point out that 1) it ends ok, 2) I got to do some smiting.

So, walking home form the pub with LordS, Wizzy and Banana we were suddenly shocked to see writeen above someone's front door the words "NO JEWS". I kid thee not. Here, in our lovely little cosmitpolitan city there were people (students no doubt) who thought that writing that was either clever or funny. Needless to say when we got home I called the police and hen I walked past the next day it had been wiped away......

Now, I'm a great lover of practical jokes (as well some people know) and so the Channel 4 programme Space Cadets is going to rapidly become one of my favourite shows. It is something that I love to try and pull off, if only I had ever thought that large.

For those of you who haven't been following the idea (as the BBCi tells us) is to try and convince some of Joe Blog that they are training to go into space. Really. Last night the twelve "contestants" arrived in their Russian Millitary Base...... only ten miles outside of Ipswich..... Last night they were told that they would be in an "low earth" orbit and so wouldn't be weightless when they go up. And they bought it. They have access to various Russian snacks and stuff. Like a Russian soft drink called Farce. The center's moto which they are told means "we are adventurers" actually comes out as "It's Not Rocket Science". The people have even noted that this could all be some sort of hoax, and then stop with that train of thought.... will Channel 4 be able to convince these guys that they are in Russia for another three weeks??? And if they do, will they be able to convince the three that "go into space" that they really have.....???

We will just have to wait and see!!!