You're FIRED...........!!!!

Categories: just-life

Date: 03 April 2006 16:27:50

For those of you who fear that this is going to be about the BBC's programme 'The Apprentice' worry not, for I don't watch it. Nor have I been fired from my job that pays my rent. Instead I have been fired from a position that I didn't really realise that I had and couldn't really do much about.

That position was to find tall, cute Canadian guys who live in Southern Ontario, which was slighly hampered as I've not been there for a number of years, and then was only passing through. I think what did finally do it for me though, was when it turned out that the two Canadian guys that I knew of living over there, one turned out to have been married for the last six years and the other was only 5'8" and engaged...... how was I supposed to know without asking???