However, sadly.....

Categories: just-life

Date: 31 July 2006 04:07:38

Well, I'm home now and there's been news. We've gotten in touch with my parents (who were in Sweden) and they are on their way back.

However, sadly Nana has passed away this evening.

It's just doesn't seem right though. When Grandma died twelve or thirteen years ago she had been ill for a bit and the same with Great Uncle and Aunt David and Peggy. It was a case that you could see that they were going and you could be ready for it. When I was home only three weeks ago Nana was fine. She went into hospital yesterday with suspected bladder infection which turned out to be some sort of agressive leukaemia and now she's gone.

I mean, now-a-days people don't just die. Fine one minute and not the next. I know that's being horribly naive of me and it's just that it's very late and I'm tired and this has come out of the blue.... bed I think.