Half remembered.....

Categories: just-life

Date: 09 November 2006 23:51:03

You know that there are times when you remember a conversation but can't for the life of you remember whom you had it with, that happened to me today.

For reasons that I can't be bothered to go into now (because I'm being good and trying very hard not to make jokes) I was reminded of a conversation I'd had in the semi-distant past about dress sizes because they are, quite frankly, silly. At least in my opinion.

As a guy I'm used to clothes being either long the lines of small, medium and large or the actual meausurements, 34" waist, 29" leg, that makes sense to me. I can go into a shop and can pick up an item of clothing and know that it fits.

However it is near impossible to find two dress size charts that give the same measurements for women. It seems quite possible to be one size in one shop and another size in a different shop. How do women put up with this?? (apart from being a lot better than guys, obviously)

I have had the... experience... to go clothes shopping with a couple of girls and I was fairly amazed that it really is a case of when trying something out you have to pick different sizes just to see which fits better. If you had to pick between two different items you have to take numerous items to the changing room, first to find the one that fits, and then to compare.... that, just seems like madness to me.

Then gain, I suppose there is some method to the maddness.... as there is a couple of inches between sizes with some shops being tight/generous with their sizing it means that it should be possible to find something that fits well....afterall, it's not like people come in exact inches!!!

On the otherhand, brassieres (can you tell I'm not sure if I, as a guy, dare write "bra" on the wibsite?) do have fixed sizes. Though if anyone can tell me why you have to add either 4" or 5" to get the right size;
"To establish a correct Bra Size - take the tape measure and hold it straight and firmly measure around your rib cage, across your back and just below your bust. If the measurement is even add 4 inches to it and if it is odd add 5 inches to it. This is your bra size." (I'm quoting, so I'm allowed to write "it")
And while we're on the topic, am I the only one who has to check their instant messenger chat incase of the "are you busty/busy??" typo-monster attacks?? I could learn to type properly I suppose..... but that's another story....