Slightly overdue......

Categories: just-life

Date: 27 December 2006 23:10:44

Not wanting to annoy the librarian that I know visits here I might not have mentioned this, but she's away so I can.

I took my books back to the library today. They were slightly overdue. When I say slightly overdue, I mean that you could just about stretch that point when I took them to the library last Saturday only to discover that they were already closed for Christmas. Therefore they were slightly more overdue when I got them back today.

Apart from the short-loan one (which, in my defence I didn't realise was short-loan until a week before I discovered the library was closed) which was a lot overdue.

To rub salt into my wounds (well, those of my wallet) I then discovered that the two Paris travel guides I'd picked up for my sister were also overdue as she'd neither given them back to me or the library. When I asked her about this she said that she was going to give them back to me..... yesterday. YESTERDAY!!!!


Anyway, that's a £13.70 mistake I shall try not to make again.

Though £3 my sister WILL be paying me back for......