The meaning of Christmas...

Categories: just-life

Date: 22 December 2010 21:06:27

More often than not British society has been stepping away from what might be deemed the the true meaning of Christmas and the Birth of Christ and more into an excuse for a four day weekend with merriment and gift giving (and receiving).

I am, therefore, quite pleased to see that along with the week long Nativity play showing on BBC1 this week BBC2 Radio2 are presenting their morning breakfast show tomorrow (alas still with Chris Evens) from the home of the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu. And if that isn't enough, Though For The Day on the Today Programme on BBC Radio4 on Christmas Eve will be given by His Holiness, The Pope.

Because of this excess of religion in the upcoming days, my song for today sounds like it should be a lot more rowdy than it really is... but hey, rejoice and be merry!!! (Do ya see what I did there...??? ;o) )
