Goodbye, you'll be missed.

Categories: ouch, holy-trinity-huddersfield

Tags: Accident, Church, Calvert Prentis, Sharon Prentis

Date: 13 August 2012 19:04:13

Diary of an accident victim - Part 60

Yesterday was the end, not only of the Olympic games in London, but was also the last day with our Vicar, Calvert Prentis. Holy Trinity Church, Huddersfield is now in an interregnum.


Calvert joined us  over seven years ago, and is moving on to be in charge of group of three Anglican churches in Surrey close to Gatwick Airport. (As a Yorkshireman, as is Calvert, I call this missionary work.) We said goodbye to them at the morning service yesterday. Followed by food and drink. It just wouldn't be Anglican without food. So it is goodbye to Calvert and his family, wife Sharon and daughter Maya.  We have enjoyed your leadership and Holy Trinity Huddersfield will be a poorer place without you.


I will particularly miss Sharon. In the days after the accident there were times when I was ready to quit this church and go elsewhere. I appreciate this was down to me, the way I was feeling in the first few years after the accident would have meant I would have quickly come to be disillusioned with whatever church I went to. What Sharon did was tell me I was appreciated at a time. It was as if at a time of need God had sent one of his angels, and it was Sharon shaped.