
Categories: forty-blogs-of-lent

Tags: God, Christianity

Date: 04 March 2012 23:14:14

Forty blogs of Lent


I have heard from a lady who says that in recent weeks she has been spat on in the street, had stones thrown at her and told to go home where she came from and all  because of the colour of her skin. Not the fate of a black person on Britain, though I know this happens. Ruth is white, working as a missionary in Mozambique. She looks after 35 boys in a children's   home of 170. We heard about it today in the service at Church. Ruth's problem is that she couldn't follow the advice, she couldn't just jump on the next plane back to the UK. She has had to put up with the prejudice and abuse. And because of God's love working through her she has leaned to love those who abuse her. It is easy to love those who love us, to love those who are cruel to us, to show love only to the nice people. But God's love is not like that. We as Christians are called to  show God's love to all, whether they love us or abuse us.