a setback

Categories: ouch

Tags: Accident, Hospital, waiting

Date: 09 February 2012 00:11:12

A setback

Diary of an accident victim Part 11

Wednesday 3rd May 2006

After an enjoyable week away, it's back to reality. Up bright and early, with my bag packed for an overnight stay, Linda & I arrive at the hospital and sign in (or whatever the correct term for letting them know you're there is). At the appointment time, 7.30am I am approached by a hospital administrator, who informs me that there is only one bed in the orthopaedic ward available, and that she'll have a word with the A&E dept. to see if they need it. I'll be told in about 45 minutes. 45 minutes pass. Then another 45. Linda has to leave me to go to work. Has a member of the medical staff seen me? No. But one has been to another man in the waiting area with a broken shoulder. I'm in for a simple plate on the ankle, this guy needs a whole box of mechano. Well that's the bed gone then . 9.15. My consultant, with another consultant, approaches and says he wants me to have another x-ray (I've already got a file with x-rays big enough for an encyclopedia) and that he wants me to start walking with my whole weight on the ankle, and to see if that makes any difference to the healing process. Then it's back to the routine I've done before: Down to the Plaster Room - Wait - Plaster removed - to the x-ray room - wait- ankle x-rayed, - wait for x-rays to be developed - Back to the plaster room - wait for doctor to come to look at the pictures - plaster cast put on - wait for the cast to dry - then I go home. I wasn't looking forward to the operation. But as it was a step towards healing I was resigned to it. No that it had not happened I was feeling dejected. No, worse than that, I was totally pissed off.

... to be continued

This was first posted on St Pixels blog on 6 June 06 To see the blogs about the accident and recovery together please use the “ouch” link under Categories