The Lambeth Butterflies

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: Peterson Toscano, William Crawley, Lambeth Conference, Anglican

Date: 31 July 2008 10:57:08

Well, I thought I would take a brief interlude away from the Dame of Sark, and tell you about happenings in Lambeth.

I travelled down here with Peterson on Tuesday. A journey which was both straightforward and eventful. On the way down he decided to phone in Jeni Barnett at LBC radio station. She loved him of course. He is such a media whore.

Anyway, whilst down here I am staying with Tractor Girl and Third Party which is lovely.

OK, I can officially say, the Lambeth Conference is a bit weird. Admittedly I am not important enough to go anywhere useful, but there is something strange about seeing so many purple-shirted people wandering about in the same place. They seem very nice, but they look like purple butterflies fluttering around. It's like being in a butterfly-world type of thing. You know these rare creatures exist, but to see them all together in one place is quite strange.

The other thing that amused me was that there is almost like a bishoply shopping centre here and one of the things that excited me is the beautiful textiles that you can buy. I am such an anorak when it comes to it. I even asked if I could take photos because I thought the colours were so pretty. I am terribly shallow you see!


Anyway, I am very tired at the moment but having fun. Meeting lots of lovely new people, like the lovely William Crawley. We entertained ourselves for a while yesterday, along with Tractor Girl, and Peterson, drinking wine, sharing stories, and in William and my case, a little spot of shopping!!

Anyway, I must rush on. I have to go and collect His Ladyship before he engages in a little more media-whoring.

Ps) For full reports of Peterson's shows, follow the links to his blog and enjoy :)