2012 Project365 (Day 92)

Categories: project365-2, family-2

Tags: family, TTC, niece, project365

Date: 01 April 2012 19:13:03

Say CheeseThe Pointer!Here is The Mister with our lovely niece Eden. She is really, really fond of The Mister, mainly because she is unbelievably bossy and points in the direction she wants to go and at the things she would like to loo at, and off The Mister trots with his tiny Kommandant in his arms. I love seeing him with Eden. He is so generous and loving and he will make the most amazing father one day. I hope so much that he will get the opportunity to be a Dad as he will be brilliant. There are so many people who seem able to create babies who are will be shit parents and shouldn't be put in charge of a vulnerable young life in a million years, but those people who could do a good job seem not to manage to conceive sometimes. This is a second picture which amused me. It's Eden helping Paul with his Open University marking. You can see her pointing finger at the ready though should she need to get him to move somewhere!