2012 Project365 (Day 42)

Categories: guernsey, project365-2

Tags: coast, Guernsey

Date: 11 February 2012 14:30:52

Martello towerToday has been a gloriously cold and sunny day. We got Mum to drop us off a few miles away and then we walked back along the coast. Across the golden beaches and the rocky bits and along the footpaths. I had such a lovely morning, only to get home and be upset by somebody else announcing their pregnancy. Sometimes the good bits seem so fleeting. Whilst on the walk we walked past several fortifications. This is one of the many Martello Towers that dot around the island. It probably dates back to Napoleonic times and was used to defend the coast. Many of these towers were later adapted by the Germans and added onto with large chunks of concrete which ruined the look. This one though stands on it's own on a peninsula. Lovely.