You are my rock?

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: sadness

Date: 08 August 2010 12:52:33

"You are my rock in times of trouble.
You lift me up when I fall down.
All through the storm
Your love is the anchor
My hope is in you alone."

It's all very well singing this when life is ok but it is much harder to sing this when life is a big tougher. I am happy to believe that god is there in the good times but I struggle to believe that he is holding me up when the ground feels like it is falling away.

This week my younger sister has told me she is pregnant again. Last time she was pregnant I practically had a nervous breakdown. I will admit that I am both annoyed and jealous. I had hoped that I might get pregnant before her this time!! It's so hard to believe that God is good when you see him blessing other people with the things you most want. Of course what makes this even more difficult is that being jealous of your sister seems to be perceived by others to be totally unacceptable. Being told by family members and friends to 'deal with it' and to 'think of all the good things you have' just isn't helpful.

Life is good but there are also moments when it is tough. I hope I am strong enough to deal with this... and I hope the Mister is strong enough to deal with me!!