
Categories: uncategorized

Tags: life

Date: 31 July 2010 20:08:28

I have had a good, but difficult day in some ways.

I am completely beyond knackered. I am so tired that I was falling asleep standing up this afternoon and I think that is quite an achievement! Most of my friends will know that when I am this tired then anything out of what I expect will throw me. This is kind of OK when it is small things, but not so good when it potentially could upset people you love and don't want to hurt. That's kind of what happened this weekend. I survived the day, and had a good time, but I have also been quite grumpy and the worst bit is that I know I have been. I had to go back to the car for a little sleep in the middle of the afternoon because I had reached the point of just not coping.

It's just hard to manage a new job which is incredibly challenging whilst trying to run a home and give quality time to The Mister and all the other people who want a piece of my time. I could do with curling up into a ball and hibernating tomorrow. Sadly that isn't going to happen.