Quick update

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: family, marriage, home, wedding

Date: 02 April 2010 22:47:41

The Mister and I have had such a busy few days. Final wedding preparations, a hen do, lots of people to see and pick up form airports and a little bit of walking on the beach. It has been good to see both our families and catch up with friends, but it is very strange to have them in all the same place!

I still can't believe we actually get married tomorrow. In some ways it feels like months in the planning, but in other ways it has crept up on us so fast! The Mister is staying at the reception venue tonight and I am at my parent's house. I think we are both feeling much more nervous now we are apart and the poor Mister was asked by both my parents separately whether he was definitely going to turn up! Bless him!

Anyway, here are a quick few pics from the last few days. Next time I come back here I will be a married woman. I will put up some pics of the wedding as soon as possible!

