
Categories: uncategorized

Tags: death, Kevin McGee

Date: 07 October 2009 12:43:18

It's been a funny week. I got the news that my friend Kevin McGee hung himself. That in itself wouldn't be newsworthy except to the people who knew and loved him, but the fact that he was Matt Lucas's ex husband certainly does make it newsworthy. I don't want to say too much, but I will say that Kev was one of the people who I knew through friends. We caught up at parties, chatted on facebook and gossiped about all sorts of things. I knew life had been tough, but I hadn't realised how much. What is hard though, is seeing his face on the front page of every paper, on the tv and all over the internet. I will miss Kev very much, despite our infrequent contact, because he was an individual who was unforgettable and truly, truly a one-off!