Guernsey Day 1 - Les Babouins de Torteval

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: holiday, scarecrows, Guernsey

Date: 26 July 2009 21:35:20

P1010298The Mister and I have had a really nice day today. My sister and her husband came over and I met my new nephew Barnabas. It was really hard, but I managed to get through it without crying which I think was a bit of an achievement. After this we went to the Les Babouins de Torteval which means in English, The Scarecrow Festival in Torteval. It was fab. Along a set route local people created various scarecrows. They were really creative, including two of Michael Jacson. The one that really made The Mister and I laugh was a scarecrows of MJ which had been half buried, with a sign next to him saying 'We Know Where You Are Michael.' and then one next to it saying 'You're to Torteval'. There was also a cabbage in a jar... pretending to be his brain! It was one of those hilarious festivals which I am almost sure you wouldn't see anywhere else. Completely random, parochial and really rather wonderful. Here are some pics for your perusal. If you want more. Click on one to go to flickr! P1010364P1010346 P1010327P1010353