Why I'd Never Want to be an Elder

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: Newfrontiers, women, honesty, truth

Date: 20 July 2009 18:37:39

When I wrote my blog post on Women and Newfrontiers I had not realised that the article in the magazine was written by the same woman who writes the blog Unfurling Flower.

When she wrote on her blog about her article, I posted a comment with a link to the blog post I had written in response. Whilst the comment appeared for a very short period of time she has now removed it. There was nothing inflammatory on there, but merely a link to my blog. I feel that this is a shame as it is once again (in my mind anyway) reflective of this lack of willingness to discuss any issues. Whilst I am more than happy to link to Emily's blog, it is such a shame that she feels unable to extend the courtesy to those who read her blog but might have a differing viewpoint.

Maybe I should write an article entitled 'Why I'd Never Want to be an Elder'. My first point would be that I never want to be an elder in a Newfrontiers church, not because I am a woman, but because I believe that open and honest communication and discussion is crucial to developing individuals and promoting healthy Christian adults. Anything less means having people who are followers who have no idea who or what they are following and why they are doing so. Not wanting to be an elder has nothing to do with my gender, but my passion for honesty.