Arti, you are looking those overalls!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 08 June 2007 18:35:01

Not a bad week really. I kicked off Monday with a counselling session that was quite scary but still manageable (as long as I don't think about it at all; no Arti DON'T think about it!). Then I've done my usual gardening and tutoring. A tutee cancelled on Wednesday so I took the opportunity to go to a garden centre and research plants for a very difficult area at church. (dry shallow soil around tree base surrounded by hard paving and walked on constantly - mostly by small children. I am determined NOT to become "that lady at church who always yells at the kids to get off the plants"). I also enjoyed an ice-cream. Then I went to Arco to buy some "proper" gardening overalls. I'd decided I needed to buy something substantial as my old "gardening" trousers were looking very disreputable and about to split at the seat seam. I opted for the bib and brace type of overall - which as they are designed for men (they don't do ladies styles) are very ample, comfortable and have a lot of "bib". I was told I could have any colour I liked as long as it was navy blue! Now I feel like something out of The Waltons.

I was wearing them this afternoon down at church when one of the church members popped by for something. He said "Arti you are looking very........(silence, voice faded away)" . I wonder what he was really thinking! Suggestions are welcome.

Someone else wanted to know whether it was my new uniform! Well I suppose it is in a way!

I am going to cut up my old gardening trousers to make a patch for my "decorating" trousers that are also about to disintegrate in the knicker area! Recycling - the possibilities are endless!